PyeongChang Odae-san Peace (POP)Dialogue

POP Global Forum

1. State of Positive Peace in Asia 2022
  • Positive Peace Report (PPR)
  • Global Peace Index (GPI)
1-3 PM
7 February 2023
  • 9:30 AM for New Delhi,
  • 11 AM for Bangkok,
  • 3-5 PM for Sydney
Patricia Garcia,Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP), (Australia)
Netra Prasad Timsina,South Asia Alliance for Poverty Eradication (SAAPE), (Nepal)
Nalini Thirunavukarasu,Women Human Rights Defender, (Sri Lanka)
Abdul Awal,SDGs Action Alliance, Bangladesh
Maryam Amjad,AwazCDS-Pakistan
Tuan Nguyen-M,International Initiative for Dialogue (IID), (Philippines)
Tur-od Lkhagvajav,Transparency International (Mongolia)

2. Denuclearisation of North-East Asia through the 3+3 Model for a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone (NWFZ)
4-6 PM
7 February 2023
  • 8 AM CET France,
  • 12:30 AM India,
  • 8 PM New Zealand
Alyn Ware,PNND Global Coordinator. (Czech Republic/New Zealand)
Yosuke Watanabe,Peace Depot (Japan)
Tadashi Inuzuka,Executive Director, 3+3 Coalition for a NE Asia NWFZ. PNND Council Member. (Japan)
Enkhsaikhan Jargalsaikhan,Chair, Blue Banner. Former Ambassador of Mongolia to the UN(Mongolia)
Maria Kim,PNND Northeast Asia Assistant Coordinator(S. Korea)

3. YPA Session: Role of Youth for SDGs and Peace
  • The 2nd UN SDGs Summit (Sept. 2023)
  • The UN Summit of the Future (SOFT) (Sept. 2024)
  • International Day of Peace (21 Sept. 2023)
9-11 PM
7 February 2023
  • 7 AM for New York
  • 1 PM for Paris
  • 3:30 PM for New Delhi
  • 7 PM for Bangkok
Alejandra Alejandra Gutiérrez,YPA from Mexico (2022)
Muznah Siddiqui,YPA from Pakistan (2022)
Sean Loo,YPA from Malaysia (2021)
Gianna Francesca Catholico,YPA from the Philippines (2022)
Sanduni Dissanayake,YPA from Sri Lanka (2021)
Michelle Jeong Hui,YPA from USA/S. Korea (2022)
Humphrey Mrema,YPA from Tanzania (2022)
Chikita Edrini,YPA from Indonesia/S. Korea (2022)
Imani Henrick,YPA from Tanzania (2021)

4. Common Security: Preventing nuclear war and achieving global abolition
4-6 PM
8 February 2023
  • 8 AM CET France,
  • 12:30 AM India,
  • 8 PM New Zealand
Michaela Sorenson,Youth Fusion
Alyn Ware,PNND Global Coordinator. (Czech Republic/New Zealand)
Vanda Proskova,PragueVision Institute for Sustainable Security & Youth Fusion. (Czech Republic)
Manpreet Sethi,India Distinguished Fellow at the Centre for Air Power Studies (New Delhi) and Member of Asia-Pacific Leadership Network for Non-proliferation and Disarmament.
Luis Roberto Zamora Bolanos,Costa Rica Board member of International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms (IALANA)
Kunihiko Shimada,HOPe Hiroshima Organization for Global Peace (HOPe)

5. APSD Session Global Civic Engagement with G7-G20-BRICS – Nexus Approach
6-8 PM
8 February 2023
  • 10 AM CET Paris,
  • 2:30 PM New Delhi,
  • 4 PM Thailand
Jomo Kwame Sundaram,Malaysia Senior Adviser to Khazanah Research Institute and Former UN ASG for Economic Development
Aoi Horiuchi,JANIC, Japan
Jyotsna Mohan,Asia Development Alliance (ADA)
Vidya Dinker,India Social Action Forum (INSAF)
Willie Goi,Migrant Forum in Asia (MFA)
Anselmo LEE,APSD, Coordinator(moderator)

6. Asia Civil Society Consultation on the Summit of the Future (SOTF) 2024
8-10 PM
8 February 2023
  • 4:30 PM New Delhi
  • 6 PM Bangkok
Beckie Malay,C4UN Asia, (Philippines)
Alyn Ware,PNND, Global Coordinator
Marivic Raquiza,Social Watch, (Philippines)
Gopal Siwakoti,INHURED, (Nepal)
Denisa Amelia Kawury,PyeongChang YPA, (Indonesia)
Sean Loo,PyeongChang YPA, (Malaysia)
Muznah Siddiqui,PyeongChang YPA, (Pakistan)
Seoyoung Lee,PyeongChang YPA, (South Korea)
Hirotaka Koike,Greenpeace East Asia Tokyo Office(Japan)
William Nokrek,International Movement of Catholic Students (IMCS) Asia Pacific
Anselmo,APHD (Moderator)

7. 2% for the us (Earth) Global Youth Campaign – Financing for Disarmament, Climate and SDGs
4-6 PM
9 February 2023
  • 12:30 for India,
  • 2 PM for Bangkok
Dong-ryul KANG,Network Manager, SDSN Korea(moderator)
Afiq Ismaizam,Secretariat Focal-Point, SDSN Asia, (Malaysia)
Yoojung,KWON(Korean Youth Delegate for UNFCCC COP 26)
Yelin,HEO(Manager, Africa Insight)
Hyosub KIM,Member of Youth 4 Sustainability(Y4S) Programme

8. Global Agenda for Peace 2023 for Civic Engagement and Campaigns
9-11 PM
9 February 2023
  • 7 AM New York,
  • 12 Noon London,
  • 5:30 PM New Delhi,
  • 7 PM Bangkok
Corazon Valdez Fabros,International Peace Bureau (IPB)
Quique Sanchez Ochoa,IPB-Global Campaign on Military Spending (GCOMS)
Jonathan Freichs,Pax Christi International
Maria Victoria (Mavic),Cabrera Balleza Global Network of Women
Bhawana Bhatta,National Federation of Nepal (NFN)
Uransooj Gombosuren,Center for Human Rights and Development (CHRD)
Khin Ohmar,Burmese democracy and human rights activist and founder of Progressive Voice, Myanmar human rights organization

9. UN, Sustainable Peace and Youth Engagement
2-4 PM
10 February 2023
  • 6 AM CET,
  • 10:30 AM India,
  • 12 Noon Bangkok
Young Gil Lee,Korea Advisor, Geneva Institute for Leadership & Public Policy, Switzerland
Charlie Lamento,GHNI's UN Chief Representative, Global Hope Network International, (Switzerland)
Paul Ndukwe,Ambassador of Education, Abia State, (Nigeria)
Kwon Goo Il,Professor, International Peace Center at the National Defense University, (South Korea)
Colonel Syed changez Zafar,Military Attache, The Pakistan Embassy in South Korea

10. Peace, Global Citizenship Education (GCED) and SDG Target 4.7
4-6 PM
10 February 2023
  • 8 AM CET Paris,
  • 12:30 New Delhi,
  • 1PM Almaty,
  • 3 PM Manila
Jeongmin Eom,UNESCO Asia Pacific Center of the Education for International Understanding (APCEIU), (S. Korea)
Rene Raya,Asia South Pacific Association for Basic and Adult Education (ASPBAE), Philippines
Rilli Lappalainen,BRIDGE 47, Finland
Utak Chung,Kyunghee Humanitas, (S. Korea)
Neha S. Chaudhry,Participatory Research in Asia (PRIA), India
Anselmo,APHD (Moderator)
Makiko kondo,Vice Chair of the Development Education Association and Resource Center (DEAR)
Rozikova Dilorom Rakhimovna,Nationwide Movement “Yuksalish” (Uzbekistan)

11. Global Civic Engagement in 2023
  • 2nd UN SDGs Summit
  • UNFCCC COP28 in 2023
(New York, 19-20 September 2023)
9-11 PM
10 February 2023
  • 7 AM New York,
  • 12 Noon London,
  • 5:30 PM New Delhi,
  • 7 PM Bangkok
Xavier Longan,UN SDGs Action Campaign
Ajay Jha,Major Groups and Other Stakeholders (MGOS)
Oli Henman,Action for Sustainable Development (A4SD)
Deirdre De Burca,Forus International
Bhakta Bishwakarma,Global Call to Action against Poverty (GCAP)
John Romano,TAP Network
Paul Okume,Africa Platform
Uchita de Zoysa,Global Sustainability Solutions (GLOSS)
Arjun Bhattarai,National Federation of Nepal (NFN)