오대산·평창 평화(POP) 대화
코리아 포럼

POP 글로벌 포럼

7-10 Feb. (Tuesday to Friday) 2023
List of the 11 Online Sessions
Session Title / Theme Focal Point
1 Feb. 7
1-3 PM
State of Positive Peace in Asia – Global Peace Index (GPI) and Positive Peace Report (PPR) 2022 Institute for Economic and Peace (IEP)
2 Feb. 7
4-6 PM
Denuclearisation of North-East Asia (NEA) - the 3+3 Model for a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone (NWFZ) Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament (PNND)
3 Feb. 7
9-11 PM
Youth for SDGs and Peace – 2nd SDGs Summit (2023), Summit of the Future (SOFT) (2024) and International Day of Peace (21 Sept. 2023) PyeongChang Youth Peace Ambassadors (YPAs) 2021-2022
4 Feb. 8
4-6 PM
Common Security: Preventing nuclear war and achieving global abolition Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament (PNND)
5 Feb. 8
6-8 PM
Global Civic Engagement on G20-G7-BRICS - Nexus Approach Asia Civil Society Partnership for SDGs (APSD)
6 Feb. 8
8-10 PM
Asia Civil Society Consultation on the UN Summit of the Future (SOTF) (Sept. 2024) Coalition for the UN We Need (C4UN)
7 Feb. 9
4-6 PM
2% for the Us / Earth - Global Youth Campaign for Disarmament, Climate and SDGs Sustainable Development Solution Network (SDSN) Youth
8 Feb. 9
9-11 PM
Global Agenda for Peace 2023 for Civic Engagement and Campaigns APSD with International Peace Bureau (IPB)
9 Feb. 10
4-6 PM
UN, Sustainable Peace and Youth Engagement Geneva Institute for Leadership and Public Policy (GILPP)
10 Feb. 10
9-11 PM
Peace, Global Citizenship Education (GCED) and SDG Target 4.7. Asia Civil Society Partnership for SDGs (APSD)
11 Feb. 10
9-11 PM
Global Civic Engagement on the 2nd UN SDGs Summit (19-20 Sept. 2023) and UNFCCC COP28 (30 Nov.-12 Dec. UAE) Action for Sustainable Development (A4SD)